
The tokenomics of the ROD Walk game is based on the tokenomics of the ROD token and complements it with new opportunities to multiply tokens for physical activity.

ROD token

When tokens are deposited into the game balance, the user is charged a


commission, which is used to receive referral rewards by higher-level mentors.

Generation of new ROD tokens takes place while walking, the generation rate can reach up to


per month.

If the user fulfills the daily norm on the number of steps - he gets the maximum reward. If the norm is not fulfilled - he receives a part of the reward corresponding to his number of steps. In this way, the game encourages users to maximize their involvement and maintain daily physical activity.

To avoid inflation, the game does not calculate compound interest. The reward is calculated solely based on the amount of tokens that were used to obtain and improve Shoes.

A withdrawal limit is used to stabilize the tokenomics of the game:

Withdrawal of the reward is available at any time

You can only withdraw the amount you used to get the Shoes 30 days after you started the game

When withdrawing tokens used to obtain Shoes, the Shoes disappear and the user can no longer receive rewards. If the user wants to receive the reward again, he/she has to start the game again - top up the balance again with 10% commission and get a new Shoe. This principle protects the game from manipulation and "bots", incentivizing players to continue playing in the long term.

In addition, when withdrawing tokens:


50% of the amount is transferred to the trading address. These tokens can be immediately disposed of at your discretion.


50% of the amount is transferred to the staking address. These tokens multiply at a rate of 1% to 10% per month, but their monthly withdrawal is limited by ROD tokenomics rules.

The tokenomics instruments described above allow the game to grow and reward players for their activity, while encouraging sustainable development without devaluing the token.

Thoughtful tokenomics and balance is the key to player well-being and long-lasting prosperity of ROD Walk!